Drunk Driver Tweets ‘YOLO’ Then Dies Minutes Later

So a drunk driver going 120 mph starts tweeting about his stupid behavior with the hashtag ‘YOLO’, then blam! Dies in a fiery crash minutes later killing himself and four others.

Darwinism is still alive and well, folks.

Aspiring rapper Ervin McKinness, 21, was racing down Haven Avenue in Ontario, California at around 1:40 a.m. on September 12 when he ran a red light in his 2005 Nissan Sentra, skidded out of control and hit a wall.

Just minutes before the accident the rapper who went by Inky was bragging about the night on Twitter and throwing in the incredibly stupid ‘#YOLO’ (You only live once).

There seems to be some police confusion whether McKinness was actually driving the vehicle or one of his sloshed buddies, but the lesson remains the same. YOLO and alcohol don’t mix.

Below is Inky’s music video for his single “Dreams”

Via Huffpost

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Darwinism in motion at 120 mph.